Thursday, February 12, 2015

The social issue that gets me going is the Keystone bill. Democrats believe that with the Keystone bill comes environmental hazards and the fact that TransCanada would use eminent domain in the United States to obtain the land needed to build the pipes. Republicans believe that it will create tons of new jobs and stimulate the economy. However, the State Department did a review on it and found that environmentally keystone did very little to harm the environment but it also said that it would only give jobs to one tenth of one percent of the population of the U.S. So really this bill is more symbolic than it is substantive. So why are we debating this issue when it doesn't even matter that much while Homeland security is about to run out of money in the next two weeks leaving our country vulnerable to attack. Clearly our priorities are not straight in this country and thats what gets me upset.

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